The install program for Grafikilo 16 is a Java archive file named
Click on this link to download the file.
Your browser will display a dialogue asking you to confirm the download.
The dialogue for Firefox is shown below.
Click on OK to download the file; it will be saved in the folder Downloads. You can open Downloads from the browser by clicking on the down arrow, at the top right of the browser, then on the magnifying glass.
If you double-click on the installer, you may get a security warning which says that file cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
In that case, do a control-click on the installer. (Click on InstaluG16.jar while holding the control-key down.) The pop-up menu shown below will appear.
Click on Open. Another warning will appear.
I (Klivo) assure the reader that Grafikilo 16 contains no malicious code. If you trust me, click on Open. The installer should start up and display the dialogue below.
The selector at the top selects the language of the installer, not the language of Grafikilo 16 itself. Currently the installer supports English, Esperanto, Italian and Finnish. I will be happy to support other languages, if I receive a translation. The texts to be translated are here:
Click on OK to start the installation. A blue progress bar will appear at
the bottom of the dialogue above. When the installation is finished, a dialogue
with the text 'Finished / Finita' will appear for a few seconds.
The installer puts a symbolic link on the desktop, as shown at right.
Double-click on the link to start Grafikilo 16.