Recent Enhancements
The Esperanto Spellchecker has a new function which enables the user to add words into the Esperanto spell check dictionary. Details are here. |
The current line number is displayed in the menu bar, beside the Key Map selector. (At left, 32.) By typing a line number into this field, followed by the Return key (Enter), you can make the cursor jump to a specific line. |
Under the 'Other' menu there is a new function to quickly and easily convert the character
encoding of many files in a folder. See Fast File Conversion.
Also under 'Other' are new functions to insert symbols and non-Roman characters into a text: International Phonetic Alphabet, Arabic Keyboard and Hebrew Keyboard. See Symbol Dialogues. |
Finally, under 'Other' there is a function to change Simredo's colours.
Selecting Colour Schemes will display the dialogue shown at left.
Click on a colour in the list to immediatly change Simredo's main window
and dialogues. Click on the OK button to close the dialogue.