Recent Enhancements

The Esperanto Spellchecker has a new function which enables the user to add words into the Esperanto spell check dictionary. Details are here.

The current line number is displayed in the menu bar, beside the Key Map selector. (At left, 32.) By typing a line number into this field, followed by the Return key (Enter), you can make the cursor jump to a specific line.

Under the 'Other' menu there is a new function to quickly and easily convert the character encoding of many files in a folder. See Fast File Conversion.

Also under 'Other' are new functions to insert symbols and non-Roman characters into a text: International Phonetic Alphabet, Arabic Keyboard and Hebrew Keyboard. See Symbol Dialogues.

Finally, under 'Other' there is a function to change Simredo's colours. Selecting Colour Schemes will display the dialogue shown at left. Click on a colour in the list to immediatly change Simredo's main window and dialogues. Click on the OK button to close the dialogue.